Monday, August 23, 2010

Zit Popping Makes Me Hot

To keep with the theme of hygiene I got started with prolapsed assholes and pissing inside pussies, today we're going to pop zits. Some people are incredibly turned on by the feel of puss rushing through the skin and bursting through the surface. Everyone has a fetish, for some people, that fetish is pimple popping.

Favorite zit fetish post from that site:

When TW and I were still an item, it seemed like there were several dynamics at work. When she wandered in the room and started going over my back, it was simultaneously soothing and a little bit scary, since she went after those blemishes on my back with a vengeance. It was certain I would suffer some pain. It was also certain that several "itchy spots" on my back would stop itching for the forseeable future. There was a good chance she'd draw blood. There was also an excellent chance that when she was done, she would be "in the mood" if I followed her from the room quickly enough after she was done. Since "in the mood" was an infrequent occurrence, I suppose this was a positive reinforcement for me to sit there and take it.

Just to get you off, here's a big, juicy zit.

This actually reminds me of yogurt cumshots from huge dicks. Are pimples phallic symbols? Maybe if they're big enough.

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