Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Beyonce rompe record en twitter por su embarazo

El anuncio del embarazo de la cantante Beyoncé, durante los MTV Video Music Awards 2011, celebrada el último domingo, generó una ola de comentarios en las redes sociales logrando que el tema lidere el ranking de trends topic en Twitter.

La noticia rompió un récord de comentarios al generar 8.868 mensajes por segundo. El récord anterior de tweets por segundo (TPS) lo logró la final del mundial de fútbol femenino con 7.196 TPS y antes la celebración del año nuevo en Japón con 6.939 TPS. El terremoto que sacudió Japón en el mes de marzo provocó 5.530 tweets cada segundo.

Vaginas have Teeth

The inside of the vagina! We have seen the cervix during an orgasm, so now it's time to see the rest of the vagina.

That is a perfectly normal vagina but it looks like it has teeth. Good God, how are penises not totally and completely traumatized by that horrible, pulpy, fleshy place?

I know this is an educational video, but is this a fetish? Does anyone actually get turned on by viewing the inside of the vagina getting fucked? Some of the comments on this one were freaky as hell, like complimenting the guy's load as 'sexy'. Really, it just looked like a penis drooling inside of a toothed monster.

Demi Lovato se defiende: "Estoy feliz con mi peso".

Demi mostró unas voluptuosas curvas en la alfombra roja de los Mtv VMA's 2011.
La cantante recibió duras críticas sobre su peso en twitter. a los que ella respondió: "He ganado peso, superenlo, esto es lo que sucede cuando sales de un tratamiento debido a un DESORDEN ALIMENTICIO."
También añadió: "Miren, pues si no están contentos con mi peso no deben ser tan felices y sanos como yo."
Todo esto lo posteo en su cuenta de twitter durante el evento.


Kanye, I Love You.

I really do.
Completely, utterly, enormously.

His outfit on stage at Coachella has been my absolute favourite to date.
That CELINE shirt + BALMAIN jeans.
I'm pretty sure every fashion lover out there died when they saw this.

And just recently he completely blew me away again at this years MTV VMA awards 
wearing an ombre chambray shirt, those Balmain jeans again and his personally designed Nike Air Yeezy 2 sneakers.
There's actually a huge part of me that wishes he wore maroon Isabel Marant suede sneakers instead.
I seriously cannot wait for his fashion line to be debuted at NY fashion week.

Source: styleite.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Miranda Cosgrove se recupera de cirugía tras accidente

La cantante y actriz Miranda Cosgrove se recupera exitosamente tras ser sometida a una cirugía debido a un accidente en un bus de la gira. Sufrió una fractura en el tobillo, un camión chocó contra el bus, mientras ella se encontraba en camino a un concierto en Wichita, Kansas.
Su madre y el conductor también resultaron heridos, este incidente obligó a Miranda a cancelar su gira titulada "Dancing Crazy".
Cosgrove ha publicado algunos tweets desde su cuenta diciendo: "He estado en el hospital los últimos días, la cirugía resultó muy exitosa, estoy muy contenta de volver a casa."
También compartió: "Todo era como un jardín de flores cuando llegué a casa, gracias a todos mis amigos y gracias a mis fans por todos sus mensajes".

Esperamos que te recuperemos pronto Miranda!

(artist direct)

Org Item Vs cewe Putih

Ukuran video : 352x288
Audio : Mono
Ukuran File : 10Mb
Durasi : 10Menit

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Outfit Envy.

I want to be wearing this right now.

I've kind of seen myself falling in love with mixed prints for awhile now. 
This is the perfect combo though. 
Charcoal - Subtle Hawaiian print - Leopard.


Source: ELLE.

Hilda Sandström.

There's so much that I love about these shots.

Firstly, she has the most killer tan I've ever seen.
Secondly, she's got prime seats at a fashion show in Copenhagen.
And thirdly, and most importantly, her outfit is completely incredible and I want it.

Hilda Sandström, stop being so perfect!

Australia's Next Top Model Week Three.

This week the Australia's Next Top Model girls were drop dead gorgeous in their coffin shoot.
I thought that the concept of the shoot and the overall results from the girls was unfortunately pretty disappointing.
Liz was the only girl who actually filled the brief in using 'Lady Gaga' as her inspiration.
However, with Jess fast becoming my favourite in this episode, having won the challenge, she then pulled out the best photo of the day.

1. Jess in Ms Couture body suit and skirt
2. Amelia in Maxxx Black catsuit
3. Liz in an Alex Perry dress
4. Montana in an Alex Perry jacket + Lucette tights
5. Annaliese in Alex Perry corset + Tigerlily bikini briefs

Source: facebook/australiasnexttopmodel.

Chanel Swallow.

I would probably never get a real tattoo, no matter how much I really want a dandelion on my ribs.
So this temporary Chanel swallow tattoo would be perrrfect!


Source: tumblr.

Monday, August 29, 2011

What Ladies Should Wear to Work- Best Women Office Wear!

What to wear to work? Its the most crucial question faced by an office going woman every morning! You might have a wardrobe full of ladies wear and yet you are indecisive about what to wear to work- everyday! If that's the case with you, it is essential that you know the basics about the women wear, more precisely, the office wear for women. This article will certainly help you in this.

Wear Clothes Defining Personal Style

What you are from within must show in your outer appearance too. You are of course sincere with your work apart from being traditional or modern; sober or fashionable or even funky. You have to just struck a right balance while choosing your office wear - the one that gives you a polished look, a professional look.
You must also keep your job in mind while selecting the ladies wear for office. For example, if you work in an advertising agency but are not a model and you have always been in habit of wearing dresses with traditional lengths, you can't just wear a more trendy or short skirt just because you are surrounded with glamorous people. This will make you uncomfortable. You can even wear those clothes that define your style without compromising on glamor part. You can choose the colors and fits of work wear with your choice of length. Just be cautious to make yourself look just the right person in your work environment!

Wear Proper Accessories with Office Clothing

Fashion accessories too play a big role in lending or snatching away your professional looks along with the office ladies wear. For example, while it is desirable to wear jewelry, the loud ones will mkae you look more unprofessional. So, wear such jewelry as stud earrings or single bracelets instead of danglers or an armful of bangles.

Carry a sober yet stylish handbag. Wear comfortable and fashionable footwear but not those which gives a party look. It is also important to be neat and clean with manicured nails, clean shoes, neat hair etc.

Be Attentive to Colors and Fits of Women Office Wear

Mix traditional office colors with feminine hues to grant you the right combination for professional look. Working ladies wear traditional colors like navy, gray and black, and even sober red. Mix them with softer colors like ice blue, lilac, soft pink and ivory either by way of clothing or through accessories.
Well tailored dresses too are must for office wear. Your pants, for instance, must be fitted but not so much that they could show off the panty lines. Skirts must also be loose enough to make you comfortable while you sit in your office chair. Jackets and blouses should be well buttoned and you must also avoid very low necklines.

The secret for proper ladies wear for office lies in the fact that they have to lend you the professional look but its not essential that they can't be fashion wear! You yourself have to find the right balance. Get many more ideas about women work clothes as well as ladies fashion wear here at Women Fashion Wear!

Justin Bieber y Taylor Swift escriben una canción juntos!

Justin y Taylor han escrito una canción juntos.
Lo hicieron con la ayuda del compositor, escritor y ganador del "Grammy" Huk Harrel.
El mismo que escribió en su cuenta de Twitter:
WOW! He visto a @justinbieber y @taylorswift13 escribir una canción juntos ayer por la noche!!! se pasaron!! Hagamoslo de nuevo!.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Di Bayar Nyepong Minta Tambah

Di Bayar Nyepong Minta Tambah

Di Bayar Nyepong Minta Tambah
Ukuran video : 352x288
Audio : Mono
Ukuran File : 3.8Mb
Durasi : 4Menit

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Lara Stone Love.


I've been thinking about getting this framed for my room for a little while now.

Source: tumblr.

Olivia And Johannes.

I think that these two could quite possibly be one of the most adorable couples ever.
Their amazingly good looks and incredible style makes them such a perfect pair.

Gosh, I'd take a Johannes by the hand any day!

Source: google images.

Saturday, August 27, 2011



Ukuran video : 352x288
Audio : Mono
Ukuran File : 4.5Mb
Durasi : 4Menit

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Toket nya uda rayud

Toket nya uda rayud

Toket nya uda rayud
Ukuran video : 352x288
Audio : Mono
Ukuran File : 8Mb
Durasi : 8Menit

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Bokep Amatiran bikin Crot2 100x

Bokep Amatiran bikin Crot2 100x

Bokep Amatiran bikin Crot2 100x
Ukuran video : 352x288
Audio : Mono
Ukuran File : 3.7Mb
Durasi : 4Menit

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Friday, August 26, 2011



Ukuran video : 352x288
Audio : Mono
Ukuran File : 19Mb
Durasi :19Menit

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Louise Roe.

TV presenter, fashion journalist and stylist, Louise Roe in Sydney last year wearing Sass & Bide.
Love her style. Love her sweet personality. Love this outfit completely.

It kind leaves me wanting winter to stay around... but only for a second longer.

Source: zimbio.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Birthing Fetish

Is this a birthing fetish or anal bizarre fetish? I'm really just horribly confused... and really scared by this. I mean, those things look like real babies to an extent! They're all wrinkly like newborns and covered in Vaseline. If only he'd put red food coloring in the Vaseline it would have looked even more real!

Elin In Elle.

Elin Kling featured in Elle Norway the September issue 2011.

It's a little heartbreaking to not have access to some of the world's greatest fashion magazines.
Especially when they're filled with such goodness.
Elin looks absolutely amazeballs, especially in the last shot, my golly gosh!

Source: Style By Kling.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Australia's Next Top Model Week Two.

Photoshoot two on Australia's Next Top Model was all about swimwear.
The girls were splashed with buckets of water whilst trying to remain poised in front of the camera.

1. Tayah in Jets
2. Montana in Jets
3. Amelia in Anna & Boy
4. Simone in Jets
5. Neo in Seventh Wonderland + Luci in the Sky
6. Liz in Camilla & Marc
7. Jess in Camilla & Marc

L O V E the bright colours in this shoot.
My favourites are ever changing, but this week they were Montana, Liz and Amelia.

Source: facebook/australiasnexttopmodel

Photographer Bangs Ebony Model

Photographer Bangs Ebony Model

Photographer Bangs Ebony Model
Ukuran video : 352x288
Audio : Mono
Ukuran File : 5.2Mb
Durasi : 5Menit

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Stacks Of Jewellery.

Small, delicate, gold rings are my favorite accessory right now.
They look super cute stacked or as I prefer, a singular gold ring on a bare hand.

I think my next addition will be a little ring with the letter 'C' on it.

Source: afterDRK.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Bikin Puas para Pria

Bikin Puas para Pria

Bikin Puas para Pria
Ukuran video : 352x288
Audio : Mono 
Ukuran File : 5Mb
Durasi : 5Menit

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Black In Spring.

I love black on black, I really do, but I have a hard time pulling it off.
I don't know if any of you feel my dilemma.

You see, I'm blonde and well, we'll just say I'm not as naturally tanned as the girl above.
I suppose, that unfortunately black is just "not my colour".
I doesn't stop me wanting to jump into that perfectly hemmed dress and cute sandals any less though!

PS. How pretty is Ginta Lapina, my gosh.

Source: tumblr.

Cartier Love Bracelet.

I want someone special to give me this Cartier 'Love' bracelet.
A bangin' boyfriend would be ideal.

Source: tumblr.

Kebiasaan Ga Pake Cangcut Gini Jadinya

Kebiasaan Ga Pake Cangcut Gini Jadinya

Kebiasaan Ga Pake Cangcut Gini Jadinya
Ukuran video : 352x288
Audio : Mono 
Ukuran File : 6.3Mb x2
Durasi : 14Menit : 2

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Download Bokep Korea Masih Pelajar

Download Bokep Korea Masih Pelajar

Bokep Terbaru Mahasiswa UI 2011 Durasi 13Menit
Ukuran video : 352x288
Audio : Mono 
Ukuran File : 10.5Mb x 2
Durasi : 20Menit : 2

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Cewe Di Interview Sambil memuaskan Lelaki

Cewe Di Interview Sambil memuaskan Lelaki

Cewe Di Interview Sambil memuaskan Lelaki
Ukuran video : 352x288
Audio : Mono 
Ukuran File : 11.6Mb
Durasi : 12Menit

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