Tuesday, February 10, 2009


A collection of comp cards from the casting...

...The castings continued; the girls poured in from agencies big and small all over the city... A part of me is happy that this pre-production is occurring now as the BEST girls are in town. Too many one time opportunities to stare you in the face. It's times like these that I wish there were more stories lined up for the team to shoot; more girls to do makeup on, more faces to be inspired by, that the fashion world wasn't in such a frenzy, that girls wouldn't leave town for the next city so fast. It's not as hard as it seems to sort it out, but, it is sad when you have to file a pretty face for the 'to definitely shoot later' pile...I tell you, narrowing this whole thing down is akin to the foot fitting into the glass slipper. Casting the proper girl is important; it tells the story. Hell, the girl IS the story!!! Between Friday's casting and today's, we know that our girl is in there....

L-R: Karolina B., Alyona Z., Mia, Anna P.

Top Row L-R: Kara S., Polina B., Elena
Bottom Row L-R: Heather, Eva

L-R: Alex P., Sarah, Leslie

While there were many lovelies, we could only choose one but many comp cards were filed away for later...A girl that was beautiful was not the only criteria: she also had to have a strong book, be able to carry the clothes, be a bit more 'leggy' in her proportions and lastly, have the ability to move in the clothes. For an added bit of drama and suspense, I'll let our model's identity be a surprise until after the shoot...

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